
Mercedes-Benz s označením W140 (lidově přezdívaný Mamut) byl představen na ženevském autosalonu v březnu roku 1991. Sériová výroba započala v dubnu 1991 resp. v srpnu 1991 pro severoamerický trh. V říjnu 1992 přibylo k možnosti volby mezi krátkým (SE) a prodlouženým rozvorem (SEL) ještě kupé (SEC). Jako u všech ostatních vozů Mercedes-Benz bylo v roce 1993 upraveno jejich značení. Krátký model SE se začal označovat písmenem S a označením objemu motoru (např. S500) a prodloužený model SEL se začal značit písmenem S, označením motoru a písmenem L (např. S500L). Později v roce 1996 se kupé řady W140 začaly označovat jako řada CL. Modelová řada W140 byla po osmi letech produkce nahrazena v roce 1999 řadou W220 v případě sedanů a řadou W215 v provedení kupé.

Celkově bylo vyrobeno 432 732 vozů, z toho 406 710 sedanů a 26 022 kupé.

1991–1993 400 SE (W140)
1994–1996 S-Class (V140)
1996–1998 CL 500 (C140)



Stejně jako jeho předchůdce byl model W140 prvním představitelem nové koncepce designu vozů Mercedes-Benz té doby. Auto je v mimo jiné známé díky nešťastné nehodě, při které zemřela princezna Diana. Ta se v tomto modelu vracela do hotelu, ale díky opilosti řidiče a nepřipoutání se došlo k tragické nehodě.

Vývoj řady W140 započal v roce 1981 a vydání bylo původně stanoveno na podzim 1989. Od roku 1982 do roku 1986 bylo zpracováno několik možných podob a v prosinci 1986 byl schválen hlavní design. Od počátku roku 1987 bylo testováno několik prototypů a finální podoba byla schválena ještě tentýž rok. Celkové zpoždění vývoje a výroby bylo způsobeno problémy se zástavbou motoru V12. Finální prototyp byl proto vyroben až v červnu 1990.

Modelová řada W140 přinesla s sebou do výroby mnoho do té doby neviděných prvků výbavy jako např. dvojitá okna, automatické dovírání dveří a kufru, elektricky ovládaná okna, která se zastavila při zjištění překážky, zadní parkovací tyčky, které se vysunuly při zařazení zpátečky a pomáhaly v orientaci při parkování (v pozdějších letech výroby nahrazeny parkovacími senzory), či cirkulace teplého vzduchu i po vypnutí motoru a tím udržení požadované teploty interiéru. Díky těmto prvkům výbavy a složitostí celého modelu patří Mamut mezi poslední tzv. „přetechnizované“ mercedesy. Podle některých zpráv celkové prodražení vývoje řady W140 stálo místo tehdejšího hlavního inženýra Wolfganga Petera. Celkové náklady na vývoj totiž přesáhly jednu miliardu dolarů, což se projevilo na ceně modelu, která byla o 25 % vyšší než jeho předchůdce – řada W126.

Původně měla řada W140 nabídnout možnost verze s vzduchovým podvozkem, ale od toho bylo upuštěno z důvodu dolaďování této technologie. Proto byl tento podvozek uveden až u následovníka W220 v roce 1999. Mamut místo toho používal klasické hydropneumatické odpružení zadní nápravy, které bylo poprvé představeno u modelu W116 450 SEL 6.9 (uvedeného v roce 1975). Po modernizaci v roce 1994 přibyla možnost objednat si elektronickou kontrolu stability a funkce pro zamezení prokluzu kol při rozjezdu (ASR) se stala standartní pro všechny vozy.

V roce 1992 byl představen nový šestilitrový dvanáctiválec o výkonu 402 koní. Auta jím osazená se značila 600 SEL (pro prodlouženou variantu), 600 SEC (pro kupé) a označením V12 na C-sloupku vozidla.

Později byl výkon tohoto motoru lehce snížen na 389 koní z důvodu zpřísnění emisních pravidel v USA a Evropě. Motory V8 byly také upraveny z 322koní na 315 koní.

Vrcholný model 600 SEL, na rozdíl od osmi a šestiválců, bylo možné objednat s dřevěnými popelníky v zadních sedadlech, voličem automatu v kombinaci dřevo/kůže, či koženou palubní deskou. Po modernizaci v roce 1994 byla vrcholná verze s novým označením S600 doplněna o možnost volantu v kombinaci dřevo/kůže, označením V12 na hlavě voliče automatické převodovky, dvojitým prošíváním interiéru a dvěma odstíny kůže nappa.

V druhé půli roku 1994 došlo k výraznějšímu faceliftu, který se na první pohled vyznačoval bezbarvými předními blinkry, novými zadními lampami a upravenou maskou modelu S600. V roce 1995 byly uvedeny parkovací senzory. V červnu 1996 byly barvy nárazníků sladěny s barvou karoserie.

Text: MalcUM 2012




The Mercedes-Benz W140 is a series of flagship vehicles that were manufactured by the German automotive company Mercedes-Benz. The W140 premiered at the Geneva Motor Show in March 1991, with the first examples rolling off the production line in April 1991 and North American examples on August 6, 1991. Short (SE) and long (SEL) wheelbase sedans were offered initially, as well as the coupé (SEC) body style from October 1992. Like all Mercedes-Benz lines, the W140 S-Class was rationalized in late 1993 using the new "letter-first" nomenclature. The SE, SEL, and SEC cars were renamed the S-Class, with alphanumerical designations inverted. For example, the 500 SE became the S 500, and the 500 SEL became the S 500 L. In 1996 the coupé models following a mid-life update were separated into the CL-Class. The W140 series S-Class was superseded by the W220 S-Class sedan and C215 CL-Class coupe in 1999 after an eight year production run.

Mercedes-Benz built 432,732 examples of the 140 series,[1] comprising 406,710 sedans and 26,022 coupés.


As with its predecessor, the W140 was the first of the "next generation" of Mercedes-Benz models to feature the company's new design theme. The car is famous for being the model in which Princess Diana died following a car crash due to her driver being intoxicated and due to her not wearing a seat belt.

1991–1993 400 SE (W140)
1994–1996 S-Class (V140)
1996–1998 CL 500 (C140)

Development on the W140 began in 1981, originally set for an autumn 1989 release. From 1982 to 1986 several designs were reviewed, until December 1986 when a principal design was approved. Several prototypes were tested onwards from early 1987 and the final production exterior design was approved in later that year, with domestic design patents being filed on February 23, 1988 and U.S. patents 6 months later on August 23.[2] A delay was made to accommodate a V12 engine and resulted in the final prototype being completed in June 1990. Pilot production models were made from June 1990 to January 1991. In 1991, to compete with the Lexus LS 400, a series of additional features were rushed for the launch of the W140.[3] The W140 introduced innovations such as double-pane window glazing, power-assisted closing for doors and boot lid, electric windows which lowered back down upon encountering an obstruction, rear-parking markers which rose from the rear wings (discontinued on later vehicles, and replaced with sonar-assisted parking) and a heating system which, if desired, continued to emit warm air after the engine was turned off. For details like this, the W140 is often known as the last Mercedes to be "overengineered," a Mercedes trait that was costing the company in product delays and overbudgeting. According to Motor Trend, this action reportedly caused project cost overruns and resulted in the departure of Wolfgang Peter, Daimler-Benz's chief engineer.[3] The vehicle is believed to have cost Mercedes-Benz over $1 billion to develop. For the consumer, the W140 cost a considerable 25 percent more than its predecessor, the W126.

The W140 was to feature air-suspension as an option, but it was dropped shortly before launch because Mercedes was still perfecting the technology at the time. Mercedes chose to launch air-suspension in the next generation S-Class in 1999. The W140 instead used a hydropneumatic rear suspension, first introduced on the W116 450 SEL 6.9 (introduced in 1975) to be used on the S 500 and S 600 models. Following the mid-year facelift in 1994, Mercedes-Benz made Electronic Stability Control an optional fixture to both sedan and coupé body styles in the W140 range. Both the sedan and coupé body styles were equipped with Acceleration Slip Regulation (ASR) as a standard feature.

Like its predecessor, the car was available in two wheelbase lengths (short W140 and long V140) along with the C140 coupé. In 1992, a new 6 litre 402 horsepower V12 engine joined the lineup for the first time with the 600 SEL and 600 SEC. A "V12" badge was affixed to the C-pillar.

In 1992, the 402 horsepower V12 engine was slightly detuned to 389 horsepower to comply with tighter emission control regulations in the United States and Europe. The V8 models were tuned down from 322 horsepower to 315 horsepower. This de-tuning, among other changes, involved the deletion of the full-throttle enrichment circuit, which reduced output by 7 horsepower.

The W140 600 SEL was available with wooden rear ash tray covers, wood/leather shift knob, leather dashboard and a suede headliner, unlike the V8 and inline 6-cylinder models. Following the facelift in 1994, the rebadged S 600 was updated with a wood/leather steering wheel, a V12 badge on the wood/leather shifter, double needle stitching all over the interior and two tone nappa leather seating – further distinctions from its lower rung siblings.

In late 1991, following the new Mercedes-Benz tradition of mid-life facelifts (starting with the W123 in 1979), after worldwide launch, work begun on improvements to the W140. By the end of 1992 final design changes were approved and later patented(application) on February 27, 1993, exactly 5 years after the original W140 design patent application in 1988.[4] In March 1994, the updated models were unveiled at the Geneva Auto Salon and went on sale in the second half of 1994. The clear turn signal indicator lenses on the front and new taillights were the most obvious change, as was the grille including a new and distinctive one for S 600s. Headlamps were fitted with separate low H7, H1 fog, and high H1 beam reflectors in 1995, pre 1995 used an H4 bulb and H3 for the fog lamp. In April 1995, "Parktronic" replaced the parking guiders on the rear boot lid. In June 1996, the two tone exterior bumpers were painted to match the upper portions of the vehicles, Xenon headlamps and the rear indicator lenses became clear.

Height of the W140 production models varied between years (1992-94 W140 Sedan: 58.7 in; 1992-94 V140 Sedan: 58.9 in; 1995-96 W140 Sedan: 58.4 in; 1997-99 V140 Sedan: 58.3 in; C140 Coupe: 56.7 in; 1997-99 W140 Sedan: 58.5 in).


1996–1998 CL 600 (C140)
Interior (C140)
Body styleChassis code(Cal.) YearsModelEngineNotesNo. Built[1]
sedan W140.135/W140.134 1996–1998 S 300 3.0 LOM606 I6 Turbo-Diesel 7,583
1991–1996 300 SD / S 350 3.5 L OM603 I6 Turbo-Diesel 20,518
W140.028 1993–1998 300 SE 2.8 / S 280 2.8 L M104 I6   22,784
W140.032 1991–1993 300 SE 3.2 L M104 I6   183,441
1991–1993 300 SEL  
1993–1999 S 320  
W140.042 1991–1993 400 SE 4.2 L M119 V8   49,468
W140.043 1991–1993 400 SEL 4.2 L M119 V8  
1993–1998 S 420  
W140.051 1991–1993 500 SEL 5.0 L M119 V8   87,006
1993–1999 S 500  
W140.057 1992–1993 600 SEL 6.0 L M120 V12   35,910
1993–1999 S 600  
coupé W140.063 1994–1998 S 420 / CL 420 4.2 L M119 V8   2,496
W140.070 1992–1993 500 SEC 5.0 L M119 V8   14,953
1993–1999 S 500 / CL 500  
W140.076 1992–1993 600 SEC 6.0 L M120 V12   8,573
1993–1999 S 600 / CL 600  


1991–1993 300 SE (W140)
1994–1996 S 320 (W140)
1996–1998 S 320 (W140)


The W140 S-Class introduced several safety innovations which have since become commonplace among many vehicles.[5]

  • Braking system. The V8 and V12 W140 models distributed more braking power to the rear wheels, increasing stopping effectiveness. In 1996, the W140 received Brake Assist, which engaged during emergency maneuvers to boost braking power to maximum.
  • Electronic Stability Program (ESP) was introduced in 1996. ESP used on-board computers to improve vehicle handling response during difficult driving conditions. This was a Mercedes developed system, which has since been licensed to other manufacturers.
  • Side airbags and seat occupancy sensors were introduced in 1996.

Comfort and convenience

Some innovations for the W140 included:

  • Double-paned soundproofed glass was a new S-Class innovation first fitted on the W140. This form of window glazing allowed for improved soundproofing, reduced condensation, and other insulation benefits.
  • Electrically-operated exterior mirrors could be folded at the flick of a switch to ease driving in narrow spaces.
  • 'Parameter steering' was a system which made low-speed driving easier by reducing the effort required to maneuver in speed-sensitive situations such as parking.
  • Rear-parking markers, or guide rods. These rods extended from the rear corners of the trunk lid when in reverse, providing the driver with a guideline for rear maneuvers. In 1995, this system was replaced by the sonar-based Parktronic system which measured the distance of the bumpers to nearby obstacles.
  • 12-way powered, heated front seats, with 3 setting memory functions and lumbar support.
  • Windshield wipers w/heated washer system. Later models also included Rain-sensing windshield wipers.
  • Electrically-operated automatic-dimming inside rear-view mirror that tied into the seat and steering wheel memory.
  • Heated exterior mirrors. Later models also included auto dimming driver's side mirror.
  • Orthopedic seats were an expensive option from the factory but consisted of several different air cushions in the seat that the user can inflate and deflate to find the perfect driving position.
  • Dual-zone climate control. Four-zone climate control on LWB models.
  • Reclining and heated rear seats on LWB models. V12 models also have the four place seating option allowing fully adjustable rear seats, lumbar support and rear sunshade control. The center seat has been replaced by a burlwood center console, allowing a 2 + 2 seating format.
  • The climate control system could be set to operate for 20 minutes after the engine had been turned off.
  • Electric Rear Sunshade
  • Rear passenger illuminated vanity mirrors.
  • Self-Closing Doors and Trunk.

Drivetrain technologies

  • The W140 featured a newly-developed double wishbone front axle and a multi-link independent rear suspension.
  • ADS (Adaptive Damping System) standard on V12 models and optional for V8 models that adjust the damping level of the shock absorbers to help stabilize the car during high speed driving, aggressive driving, or if the driver loses control of the vehicle.[6]


2.8 24V I6 193 PS (142 kW; 190 hp) 270 N·m (199 lb·ft)
3.2 24V I6 231 PS (170 kW; 228 hp) 310 N·m (229 lb·ft)
3.2 24V I6 231 PS (170 kW; 228 hp) 315 N·m (232 lb·ft)
4.2 32V V8 279 PS (205 kW; 275 hp) 400 N·m (295 lb·ft)
4.2 32V V8 286 PS (210 kW; 282 hp) 410 N·m (302 lb·ft)
5.0 32V V8 320 PS (235 kW; 316 hp) 470 N·m (347 lb·ft)
5.0 32V V8 326 PS (240 kW; 322 hp) 480 N·m (354 lb·ft)
6.0 48V V12 394 PS (290 kW; 389 hp) 570 N·m (420 lb·ft)
6.0 48V V12 408 PS (300 kW; 402 hp) 580 N·m (428 lb·ft)
3.0 24V TD I6 177 PS (130 kW; 175 hp) 330 N·m (243 lb·ft)
3.5 12V TD I6 150 PS (110 kW; 148 hp) 310 N·m (229 lb·ft)

Source: WiKi

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